Blogs > Winning – Enchantment
January 4, 2012 Michael Bickerton
Before I get too far, I want to profess that I haven’t read the book titled Enchantment written by Guy Kawasaki of Apple fame.
I did, however, come across a few pieces of information that indicate that both of us should be reading this gem. You can always get some detail on the facebook page and as we always say hit the ‘Like’ button or Opt-in.
The most notable comment was from Michael Gartenberg (Research Director, Gartner) who stated “The best overall treatise on interpersonal relationships since Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Kawasaki has almost 460,000 twitter followers, so someone is listening. You can find him here!/guykawasaki
As well there were some great comments in the magazine article “How to really be winning” in Entrepreneur. Naturally I really loved a couple of the comments, and here are a few that I have added with my own comments.
Social media is just method – yes powerful, inexpensive but most importantly under utilized or not embraced at all.
Social takes too much time – right it does take time, and take more time to do right, so, how many touches can you have in less than 5 minutes. As an example Coca-cola has over 36 Million facebook ‘Likes’ a pretty simple and cost effective way to get your message out.
Just don’t get it – that part I love. I’ve heard that many times and wrote earlier in the year that not “getting” social media is like not getting conversation, or not getting a handshake, like what’s the value of handing our your business card, our recommendation is to get started, jump in the water is warm.
Our stance is simple; build your social media presence, listen, touch, feel and start the process. Not everything you do is going to be perfect or successful. You can expect a few set backs, as Dave Stieb indicated to us “Tomorrow I’ll be perfect”, but for today, it’s enough to engage, get in the game, throw a few pitches, catch a few, hit a few and eventually you’ll be in the game. Who knows one day you might be in the big leagues.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, January 2012
Michael Bickerton, January 2012