Blogs > Website – Things to Consider
July 25, 2010 Michael Bickerton
We are forever talking about websites, how it works, what is its role. Why should you be so concerned? There are a number of issues that we feel you should be aware of, or at least consider when design and building your website.
Much of what we talk about is common sense for website building, things that you might naturally take for granted, such as content associations, language, icons, keeping it clean and simple.
But you should always be aware of the following, not wanting to scare you, but remember we don’t always consider website best practices.
Customers are partners, yet they are selfish with their time and input, it’s not unusual for a 3 or 4 second hit. It’s critical for you to remember you are only part of the overall experience and your competition only a click a way.
Concerned, you should be, common sense rules the day. You could be gone like a puff smoke or worse the click of a mouse. As your digital agency, we recommend that you design to your customer needs, it’s a must.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, July 2010
Michael Bickerton, July 2010