Blogs > Your Website is the HUB for Your Business
May 29, 2010 Michael Bickerton
It’s taken awhile and the pundits who felt the web was only a communications tool used for marketing their businesses are long gone. Your website is now the hub of your business. It’s the first place your customer goes to check you out. It’s the first place the customer goes to do research on your products before making a buying decision. It’s the first way you can communicate to the world what you’re all about. Still think you don’t need to invest wisely in a solid web strategy?
How do you develop a winning Internet strategy? Well it’s more than building a good website that integrates into your daily work routines. You have to get people to notice you’re there. Call it prime real estate of the virtual kind. Your customers aren’t going to the Yellow Pages to find you anymore. Your kids look at a telephone book with amazement – what’s that they ask? How can you ever find anything in there? How many trees did they cut down to make that book? On and on it goes. Google, Bing and Facebook are the tools today. Don’t you have any video connecting your website to Youtube? You might want to change that quickly. However, these are only a few of the considerations to keep in mind. It all starts with building a great website.
Good web development begins by learning everything we can about your brand, business, marketing objectives, products and services, customers, and current website. You have to look at everything from the experience you are currently providing users with the technologies that power your site. It’s important to analyze and prioritize what your customer/target audience segmentation looks like so your content appeals appropriately, what kind of first impression do you want your website to give, do we have all our own people on the same page and lastly – do the costs involved deliver the greatest business impact? Often a phased approach to web development ensures you walk before you run and learn as you gather feedback along the way.
Whatever your business your website has become the cornerstone of your operation. If not, you might want to rethink your current strategy and let more of the world realize you’re open for business. Just remember you don’t have to do it all at once.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5, May 2010
Michael Bickerton, May 2010