Blogs > Web Design – Top 10 Mistakes
August 9, 2010 Michael Bickerton
“Jakob Nielsen holds a Ph.D. in human-computer interaction from the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen.” Yes can you image, a PhD; you’d think web stuff was serious. “Dr. Nielsen ended up spending most of his time at Sun on defining the emerging field of Web usability”.
The full listing is available. There are lots of additional mistakes; in fact the list is endless. You’ll note the seventh point, anything that looks like an advertisement is in keeping with the change (yup the change word) in marketing that I continue to note in my blogs.
Truthfully, I was surprised that we had a PhD in this field. Then again this is serious business as your website is the hub of your business. As a digital agency, we try and keep you abreast of all faucets of the online world, and help avoid the web design top ten mistakes on your homepage.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, August 2010
Michael Bickerton, August 2010