Blogs > Social Media – Twitter
September 1, 2010 Michael Bickerton
It took me a while to appreciate the benefits of tweeting … a short 140 character burst of information and or links, but now I get it. Twitter provides me with news, sports, weather, just about anything. You can follow your friends or celebrities if that’s your thing. It’s quick and informative and in today’s fast-paced world, scanning is now a valuable skill. Twitter is where the rubber hits the road, and it’s worth it to explore Twitter.
I started looking for information, links and applications that could assist you in using your Twitter account and came across “99 Essential Twitter Tools and Applications” at
I use Twitter but not much on the computer, it takes time, more time than I have at my desk. Most of my usage is on the iPhone, and I’m quite content using Twitter Inc. 3.0.3.
The Twitter toolbox is loaded with applications that you can personalize for both your computer and mobile devices. The jury is out on which of the social network platforms are going to be viable for the long term. However, with 99 various apps I’d suggest that Twitter isn’t ready for scrap heap just yet.
As your digital agency we’d recommend you get your social media accounts (notably Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin) active and start exploring these new media.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, August 2010
Michael Bickerton, September 2010