Blogs > Tips to Improve SEO in Your Blog
April 17, 2013 Jaclyn Bickerton
SEO is just one part of maintaining and creating a successful marketing campaign. Organic rank is one of the toughest areas to develop and it takes time. For businesses, consistent blogging is essential to SEO and lead conversion. There are a few simple procedures that we must follow in our blogs to ensure that they are optimized for SEO. Raven5 shares these 7 tips to help boost SEO in your blog:
You don’t need to be an expert in SEO to successfully optimize your blog content. These 7 basic practices can boost your blogs SEO ranking and bring in organic search traffic. Ensuring that all of these steps are followed when writing your blog is crucial to maximizing your blog’s impact on the social community and generating traffic.
Jaclyn Bickerton, Social Media, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville and Toronto, Ontario, April 2013
Jaclyn Bickerton, April 2013