Blogs > Social Media – The Digital Shake
March 4, 2013 Michael Bickerton
Social Media is here to stay (yes that’s a reference to the doubters, and I still love them). Emarketer dropped these details into my inbox, some great material for you marketers that have a bit of time to keep track. But as I always say, follow our blog, we’ll keep you in the know and abreast of the latest craze.
So, back to emarketer, MARKETERS USE SOCIAL MEDIA DATA TO DRIVE CAMPAIGNS is like the Harlem Shake, how can 29 million views be wrong? They aren’t, the 29 million views are real, don’t make the mistake and translate that what happens as viral or accidental as not important to either you or your brand. Fact is they are, and here’s MORE proof.
Before I get there, if you are NOT using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Email Marketing you need to start NOW, it’s critical to your future success in business (and maybe life), here are some of the recent facts.
Top FIVE from eMarketer:
1) 68% are increasing DATA related marketing spending in 2013
2) 49% suggest WEB analytics are the best source of customer data
3) 19% suggest EMAIL data is the best source of customer data
4) 12% suggest that SOCIAL is the best source of customer data
5) 25% are putting SOCIAL to use this year & 19% consider it an opportunity (make that 44%)
Now if you’re NOT engaged in the social platforms, exactly how do you plan to engage your customers and prospects. Do you really think that the “old ways” are going to allow your business or your brand to thrive? Do you know anyone using wagon wheels these days? Fax machines perhaps?
This piece is so important! Here’s a few more beauties from the article, in case you’re not yet convinced.
6) 36% are putting SOCIAL data into campaigns
7) 42% are integrating SOCIAL data
8) 25% consider SOCIAL data a long-term opportunity.
So, if this doesn’t get you doing the latest craze the RAVEN SHAKE, I don’t know what will. The numbers don’t lie, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING is NOT a fad, it’s Like the Harlem Shake, here to stay, 29 million views and growing. Shake it up, Shake it up.
Wait for it the Raven5 Shake.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville & Toronto, Ontario March 2013
Michael Bickerton, March 2013