Blogs > SEO – Slice of the Pie
July 22, 2010 Michael Bickerton
An overlooked portion of building your website is putting in place SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is one way that will improve your website’s overall organic ranking on the search engines, namely, Google, Yahoo and Bing … although there are others.
The purpose is to ensure you have quality leads and buyers who are looking to purchase exactly what you are selling, as such, assist you in getting your slice of the pie. Experts vary in processes and opinions on exactly how SEO is implemented and best utilized. However, most experts agree that most important factors are time (the length of time the website is up and running) and content (the amount of content) are significant factors in the eyes of the search engines.
1) Time, so get started
2) Content, so get writing (blogs), Video, PowerPoint
3) Work the main search engines, Google first as over 60% of searches start with Google
4) Use your digital agency as your SEO consultant
5) Measure, your starting place and your weekly and monthly goals
6) Keyword selection, often overlooked
7) Page creation, and naming conventions
8) Website map, make sure it’s submitted
9) Online directories, use all you can find.
There’s more, lots more, each SEO consultant has processes and specialties. Like the “Cat in the Hat” each of they have their own bag of tricks. Just keep in mind there are Black Hat types and processes that can really negatively impact your rankings, so be careful out there. Most importantly, get started, the time is now.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd., July 2010
Michael Bickerton, July 2010