Blogs > Search – Your FIRST Move
April 23, 2014 Michael Bickerton
So much is going on when it comes to marketing and advertising, it’s almost redundant adding the terms “internet” “online” or “digital” as a precursor. It wasn’t that long ago we at Raven5 were using the search terms digital agency, online agency, internet marketing agency and a variety of additional terms. Search is always your first move!
We are now backing to basics, advertising agency, marketing agency and conventional type terms. The reason for this change is quite simple. So much is now understood; Internet, Online and Digital are now part of the advertising landscape. The rules aren’t changing, the language isn’t changing, it already has changed.
I recently read an article that suggests this: When consumers hear about a product today, their first reaction is “Let me search for it online”.
I mean really, you’re surprised? Search? Online? hear about a product? Truly amazing. First, consumers don’t search, they GOOGLE it. Second, consumers aren’t online they are connected, and just so we are clear they are connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consumers are connected in the morning, at lunch, at dinner, during dinner, while watching TV, while having sex, in the men’s/ladies room (#selfie anyone?), consumers are connected. I often wonder about those who talk about search and not Google, are they aware of a device called the smartphone?
Given that Google is more familiar to consumers than Kleenex and we are connected to information constantly, so much of the “lingo” or “language” is redundant. Nothing has swept the landscape in such a comprehensive fashion with unimagined speed.
I recently had a discussion regarding a current client program that took two years to negotiate and launch. We aren’t talking about a program that was multi-faceted using video, TV and a major sporting event (even these programs can’t be two years in development). We are talking about a standard program that uses social and in-store coupons as drivers. I noted to the client, I didn’t think that there were too many programs that could withstand two years in development. Most programs we work on are one, two or three MONTHS in developments. With so many changes so quickly, a two-year development seems quite “Jurassic” (a Bickism).
Today, programs are ALL digital, ALL involve the internet, and ALL are online. You say print and our intern’s eyes gloss over, as something that isn’t delivered electronically isn’t really delivered. Yet Starbucks is still using the small free cards as handouts for apps, the exception, not the rule, so print still happens.
My point is that marketing and advertising are digital, there is so little conventional type promotions. Limited newspaper, limited magazine, limited print or direct mail, limited radio, in fact, if it’s not digital it’s basically nonexistent. Marketers take note, things have changed, they aren’t changing, they have changed. You don’t have to believe me, just Google it.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville ON, April 2014
Michael Bickerton, April 2014