Blogs > Privacy – Update
June 16, 2011 Michael Bickerton
There continues to be lots of information being published about privacy. Every day I’m reminded that privacy is an issue, at least to some. It’s time for a privacy update.
I’ve written previously regarding privacy issues and my opinion that privacy (if you ever had it) is imagined and that privacy is a non-issue. Privacy – a non-issue in the Raven5 Blog. I’ve also provided some initial thoughts on the advertising industry’s attempt at self-regulation in the blog titled Privacy – self-regulation.
Well, the privacy issue continues to be bantered about, and the Advertising Option Icon has not shown itself to be a relevant issue for consumers or for advertisers. Article in the Advertising Age “Despite Digital Privacy Uproar, Consumers Are Not Opting Out” will give you additional insight.
It’s my view that consumers do not fully appreciate the scope of the issue and that many of the perceived concerns have not yet given consumers that “creepy” feeling, while in the alternative actually assist in navigating and maneuvering their way through the internet. The ease and use of remembering passwords and preferences makes for a nice user experience, as such, privacy is secondary.
At the same time, the industry is not embracing the Advertising Option Icon and program. I’d suggest that lack of interest lies in the fact that they don’t believe investing in self-regulation will outlast the government’s push for legislation. Why spend all the time and money in licensing when it’s unlikely to stick or be maintained as the standard?
As your digital agency, we’d suggest you give some thought to the issues surrounding privacy and corporately devise a privacy policy keeping in mind that legislation is coming. Once government understands the issue, you can be sure that legislation will follow.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, June 2011
Michael Bickerton, June 2011