Blogs > Let Plumbers Plumb
June 5, 2010 Michael Bickerton
It time to consider making changes to how your website is managed. The last number of years have seen your IT people build and maintain your website, things have changed. Your website is your connection to the world, and your marketing team needs to ensure your message is properly connected.
If you haven’t already done so, we strongly recommend that its time to turn your website over to the marketing department, today in this era of change your website is your most valuable marketing tool and will continue to be. It’s our recommendation that let your marketing department market, and let your IT people handle IT and let your plumbers plumb.
Never let your IT people build your website. It is one of your most valuable marketing initiatives and will continue to grow in importance.
We used to give it to IT because they could “speak geek” and communicate with the programmers. But for the most part, we ended up with sites that were using the most advanced techie stuff and served little to no marketing purpose. In fact they often worked against us!
Web development has changed over the past 10 years. Programmers no longer have us in a corner, the language is simple, programming and programmers are best directed by your marketing team. So do your IT folks a favour and move the website development and management to marketing. It’s where it belongs, we recommend that if your marketing team can’t assist, hire a digital agency to assist you in ensuring that marketing efforts are not wasted and your website sells!
Derek Lackey & Michael Bickerton, Raven5, March 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010