Blogs > Out of Sync
December 7, 2012 Michael Bickerton
It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to do some writing, this Google Adwords and analytics thing can be quite addictive. Speaking of being out of sync…
In any event, I’ve had Cam Lavack adding some pieces and it’s always good to add a bit of variety for you, our readers. We’ve also built out much of our online presence, our “Ask Bick” social animal penguin has officially entered the “offer” world … and we will always have a Scoop for you, so please keep your eye out for these value emails and posts.
So, are we out of Sync? In some ways yes and some ways no. In commenting on a recent article from eMarketer, there is some pretty clear data that you should be aware of. The article is titled “Social Media Marketing Can Get Out of Sync with Consumers”. The message is clear, advertisers are embracing the marketing channels in somewhat different ways then the consumer. In my opinion, the results are not surprising, after all Facebook is Facebook. 93% of consumers and 84% of advertisers are using this platform. The real question here is where are the other 16% of Marketers? Sorry, but I have to say, as I’ve heard it again twice in the last month “doesn’t work for my business”, and my “Ya right, I forgot” response, after all there are over 1 billion users.
Outside of that it’s pretty clear Marketers are getting the mesage – 57% are using Twitter, 51% Google+, and 50% using Linkedin. As such they have gotten the message that they need to be visible and engaged in these platforms and this should continue to grow. If you reading this and not on each of these platforms, then all I can say is “get with the program, better late than never”. If you need some assistance we can help!
The consumers on the other hand are playing a little tougher to get – 31% are using Twitter, 22% Google+ and 19% using Linkedin. This makes sense as Twitter takes time, lots of time, however, strong engagement will be the result. Google+ well, we like the platform, but let’s face it, we consumers have Facebook. Linkedin for business professionals is clearly the where to find a job or find an employee.
Now the disconnect, YouTube – 53% of consumers are engaged while only 41% of marketers are using this channel. Clearly this makes sense, as the cost of video production is expensive, even by today’s standards. There’s tons of content, but ensuring your brand is correctly portrayed is another issue and very costly compared to the other social platforms. The other question surrounds the demographics of all those YouTube users, marketers need to assess here carefully. The bottom line is video is a tough sell to marketers from a time and cost standpoint. Certainly from a marketers view, it’s tough to be current as well. If you need some video production work, Mike Secondi can assist you.
The article interestingly points out that there is the “Annoy Factor”, consumers have indicated that if they are a fan or follow they are only 11% annoyed. Something to keep in mind, if consumers are NOT a fan or follow your brand they are annoyed at a whopping 24%. The lesson: you’re wise to tread carefully while trying to build engagement, period. Even when using Facebook Sponsored Stories or Promoted Tweets you need to tread softly. We see this again and again in email marketing with consumers, at times on the wrong day you can illicit a very negative response.
I don’t mind pointing out our Socialmc2 program is very effective in building likes and twitter followers, and it’s good to know we are hanging with the big dog (Facebook) in the social stream. On a side note, I’d recommend you take some time to review some Facebook Advertising options. Recently, we’ve seen much improved results in gaining LIKES and building engagement. Naturally there needs to be a valuable and engaging offer. Bick’s advice: don’t enter the social stream without one.
Out of sync, I don’t think so. I’d suggest most marketers are ahead of the crowd. It’s a good article and well worth some review. I’d be remiss not to say, our team can help you GET NOTICED!
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, December 2012
Michael Bickerton, December 2012