Blogs > Organic Search
September 30, 2010 Michael Bickerton
It occurred to me that we all use terms that are industry specific. In my print days, I used terms like plate, blanket, litho, make ready, stock and shrinkwrapping, on the assumption that my customers understood what I was referring to. Fact was, they didn’t, they just relied on me and my team’s expertise in that world.
Today, I use terms like organic ranking, page rank, SEO, SEM, PPC, banner ads, pay per click, keywords and URL with the same ease. Yet, recently I was in a meeting to discuss a website and I realized that much of the “jargon” I was using, my clients didn’t understand and had the look of a deer caught in headlights.
It’s a tricky place to be, you want to impart knowledge and really need that industry specific information to discuss, explain and communicate the issues related to internet (online) marketing.
Our blog is full of information that will assist you in educating yourself with the “jargon” of online (internet) marketing. As you digital agency, I encourage you to take time each day to read and inform yourself of the terms related to the industry.
So what is organic search? Organic Search refers to the search results that are generated by comparing the search keywords to the search engines directory. These results are also called Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Most of us use Google daily without giving much thought to why or how certain websites have listed the Google, Yahoo or Bing search engines (the three most popular search engines).
There is organic search and paid search, we’ll talk about paid search in another blog. Suffice to say, when dealing with your emarketing, one of our goals is to improve your organic search ranking. As you likely know research has shown that people rarely look past page one in an Internet search.
We’re number one, really has an impact in the world of organic search.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, September 2010
Michael Bickerton, September 2010