Blogs > New Frontiers, The Google Age
June 17, 2010 Michael Bickerton
If it seems as if the world has changed, you are right by all accounts. Industries such as music, newspaper, commerce and even religion are all going through change, real wholesale change. it seems that social networking has changed the way we communicate.
Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Craigslist, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter and hundreds of other sites have created new frontiers. A new age if you will, you may want to consider the following in your next marketing meeting and how some or all of these changes are impacting your business today.
1) Consumers are now in charge and can be heard
2) People can find you anywhere
3) The mass market has been replaced by mass-market niches
4) Communication is now about conversations and conversing
5) There is an abundance of information and product
6) Collaboration is marketing
7) Networks are the new companies
8) Openness has replaced protection
You, your company and your brand are facing new challenges, need new ways to look at challenges and new ways of solving problems and issues. The information provided on the internet is massive, and the average Amercian spends over 8 hours a day staring into a screen, it seems that mass of information, the never ending number of niches and networks all take time to explore and develop. Couple that with google age openness, discussion, collaboration and an abundance of information, we have truly reached a new starting place. The question you need to ask yourself is, “do I have a partner, a digital agency, or internal staff member to assist? Do I really have anyone to help me, you, us in this change from a mass marketing mindset?” We must remember that “small is the new big” and changes are required to meet these new frontiers.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, June 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010