Blogs > Never buy another wallet again
July 4, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
For many of us, carrying our wallets around has become quite the burden, especially nowadays as we are also carrying our phone in the other hand. So why not relieve your hands and yourself from some stress by transferring all your information to one place, or rather one device. Let’s talk about Google Wallet.
You might be wondering how it’s possible to eliminate the wallet completely. Well, the answer is Google Wallet. With this device, you are able to eliminate all forms of shuffling, shifting and, (if you’re a woman) changing purses or wallets every other day. Google Wallet allows its users to replace their cash, credit cards, loyalty cards or coupons into barcodes. Of course, this app won’t replaces any form of identification, there are a few apps what will help minimize the clutter you carry in your wallet.
Google Wallet was launched in 2011 and is available on iPhone and Android. With this application, you are able to make purchases in store and online as well as withdraw money from ATMs with your phone, which makes purchasing items much more efficient.
When attaching your credit cards, debit cards and bank account to this platform, it enables you to make direct payments with whichever sources you want through Google Wallet. Another feature of this app is that it allows you to keep a balance with the application and make direct transactions with an email account.
Most recently, Google Wallet has found an interesting way to eliminate one of the biggest burdens that we carry in our wallet: loyalty cards. They have also integrated that into the app as well. All you have to do is scan the card and it becomes a scannable barcode in the app.
In perfecting the app they have also eliminated the dreaded coupon clutter. You can now access promotions and offers on sites like Valpak and redeem them upon purchase.
I just happened to stumble upon a review of this application when I was reading an article entitled “ How to replace your wallet with your Phone”. I found it interesting how much we have evolved as a human race. It’s true one day we will all pretty much rely on our phone for everything we need, even more so than we do now.
Technology is slowly making many everyday things obsolete like writing utensils, alarm clocks, and now wallets. Amazing how technology has changed the way we do things and it’s even more astounding how we are constantly reinventing it to make our lives easier.
Am I wrong? What do you think?
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd., Oakville, ON July, 2014
Patricia Ferreria, July 2014