Blogs > Multi-Platform – Age of Majority
December 15, 2014 Michael Bickerton
I’ve reached the age of majority (I’m sure) having passed the fifty mark, it’s official. In fact, I rarely (ok, never) get carded at the beer or liquor store and the never-ending deference of “SIR” are clear signs that I’ve reached the age of majority. Fact is, I don’t feel much different than I did twenty years ago, except I don’t tolerate fools, ignorance or poor customer service all that well.
It turns out I’ve also reached the age of majority (Canadian style) online by using multiple devices (multi-platform) in utilizing the Internet. I’ve been seen with my laptop, iPad, and iPhone surrounding me, leave some wondering if a spell is being cast upon me, and these “God of all devices” will save me.
Fact is, Canada is a bit slower at adapting to this multi-platform and contact online. Seems that Canadians at approx. 49% are somewhat behind in this digital phenomenon. According to comSCORE Americans are at 62%, the Spanish at 66%, the Germans at 56% and the UK at a whopping 73% are all multitasking.
And how does this impact contest marketing? Simply, you have to ensure your programs are developed with all segments, platforms and devices in mind. Your programs must be developed for ease of operation and entry on laptops, iPads and smartphones.
Here are some other facts as provided by comSCORE:
You’ll note that clearly mobile is growing up, in some segments mobile had reached the age of majority and mobile only users must be considered at each and every step. This includes social and email opt-ins as part of your contest marketing strategy. It’s got to be easy, it’s got to be quick and it’s got to be device friendly to be effective.
Multiplatform considerations are a must if marketers are going to achieve their goals online.
Michael Bickerton Raven5 Ltd Dec 2014
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Michael Bickerton, December 2014