Blogs > Mobile – Great Expectations
December 9, 2010 Michael Bickerton
I wanted to provide you with some basic information about mobile web experience. Fact is your website in on the move, literally, in your clients’ hands and moving. By 2013 in the US alone, they expect over 134 Million users. Further evidence is the iPhone (yes the one from Apple) which has had over 3 Billion applications downloaded (apps). This trend is not a fad either …
Given these basic facts and there are plenty more, your website needs to interact with mobile devices (smart phones, iPhones, etc). Given that 3G networks, and Wi-Fi conductivity are available almost everywhere, it’s imperative to offer your clients and prospects a quick and easy interface with your website.
Studies by Forrester indicate that 58% of mobile Internet users expect webpages to load almost or just as quickly or faster than their computer. That’s a tall order, and notably, with next generation of 4G networks, smart phones will be faster and users will expect more.
Google has proven the model that “fast is better than slow”. Mobile search is the same, we are entering an age of ‘anytime, anywhere’. It’s quite amazing really.
Sorry … but as your digital agency, in today’s environment, are you really ready for this kind of immediate interaction? Using the anytime, anywhere model, where exactly are you? With this kind of interaction available, during a search, can you be found (BFound)?
You need to get started or surely you will be left behind. As your digital agency we can assist in elevating your brand with Internet marketing and online advertising. If you need a visual, I’ve got one – the wagon wheel was a big seller at one time too! What are you doing to ensure you are keeping up in these fast paced times?
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, December 2010
Michael Bickerton, December 2010