Blogs > Contest Marketing : A Win Win
May 7, 2015 Jesse Bickerton
As a marketer, a small business owner or a brand manager, contests and marketing go hand in hand… So much so, we at Raven5 have specialized specifically in Contest Marketing. Contests provide unique marketing opportunities, effectively increasing your social reach and brand engagement.
Contest marketing is a great way to raise brand awareness and grow a social following. Contest marketing can provide many tangible benefits to a brand or organization. From increasing social followers and subscription opt-ins, to engaging existing clients and prospects, contest marketing works.
A contest that is properly organized and executed can provide marketers with a wealth of potential information useful to you and your brand. Contest marketing can provide you with:
The larger your list, the more chance to convert a prospect to a client. A contest allows you to capture an email, and therefore, a potential lead for your business.
A contest can provide your organization a way to collect information not only on your product and your brand, but on prospects and clients as well. Gathering information on your clients and prospects will allow your organization to make better business decisions guided by demographic data.
An engaging, fun or interesting contest will generate buzz online. Promoting your contest not only on your website, but also on your social channels will increase entries and generate buzz. Social networks provide great opportunities to get your message out.
Contest marketing is an exceptional tool you can leverage in various ways. As a marketer, the reasons to run a contest are endless. In case you need more convincing, check out Contest Fives and the Ten Reasons Marketers Should Use Contest Marketing.
There really is no better tool for marketers these days. Why not start today? It’s a win-win.
Jesse Bickerton, Raven5, May 2015
Jesse Bickerton, May 2015