Blogs > Checking In – Location
October 22, 2013 Michael Bickerton
It occurred to me today as I checked in at Starbucks on Foursquare that it seems to me that many people are not checking in (watch for my check-in #starbicks, on Facebook, Twitter & Foursquare). I’ve pondered that thought on again off again for most of the day and honestly, I don’t understand why checking in hasn’t really caught on. I mean, you have a smartphone right? Let’s get your social on.
Those of you who aren’t social media users can sign off now, as we are certainly taking this discussion into parts unknown (at least from your viewpoint). Facebook has a check in function, as does Google, so you can have others check you out as you check in.
Personally, I use Foursquare, it’s pretty simple, I have a few friends (or followers) and I only know a handful. I’ve used this app for a number of reasons.
1) Provides me a history of activity
2) The opportunity to conquer the local Starbucks or gym
3) Saving, I’ve saved some serious cash at West 49 & Hilfiger
4) Passes some “dead” time
5) Interaction with others
In any event, I enjoy checking in, it has some benefits and is really quite habit forming after a while.
The market place hasn’t yet really provided us the opportunity for daily savings, or is it that marketers are not yet ready to deal with some of the opportunities. It’s my opinion that this is a great, untapped area, rewarding consumers as they engage or visit is really a great way to build loyalty. It’s my opinion that location based services can really drive traffic given the opportunity.
I’ve mentioned Facebook & Google have location based check in properties, I’ve mentioned Foursquare (my favourite) with over 5MM worldwide users. Here are a few others you can check out, before you start checking in.
Loopt – 4Million users Wiki
Gowalla – 600,000 users but compatible with Foursquare & Facebook Places Wiki
Whrrl – a bit of a social network itself Wiki
Scvngr – interesting gamification Wiki
There’s a lot to read and investigate on Techcrunch and Mashable.
In any event, lots of interesting apps that allow you to check in and check out, while at the same time letting your friends check you out. Even better, the more you use these location based apps, the more advertisers will take note and that will result in many more engagement programs for you and I.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd., Oakville, Ontario October 2013
Michael Bickerton, October 2013