Blogs > Charity Raffle or Charity Sweepstake?
February 9, 2022 RAVEN5
One of the most common questions organizations have when planning a giveaway is, “Should we run a charity raffle?” Our recommendation is to say no to charity raffles. Instead, we suggest that you run a charity sweepstakes. Why, you may ask? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
The end game of running a charity raffle or charity sweepstakes is the same. At the end of both, a winner is selected randomly to win the grand prize. What makes them different? In short, one is legal and simple to run across Canada, whereas the other is prohibited unless organizations (usually charity or religious organizations) are qualified to run it.
As discussed in our previous blog, a raffle is a lottery scheme where people buy tickets for a chance to win a grand prize. In short, raffles are gambling, and gambling without a license or being an eligible organization is a big no-no in Canada, hence why they become so frustrating to run.
Instead, we advise organizations to hold a charity sweepstakes. Charity sweepstakes allow participants to enter without paying a fee. Include a “No purchase necessary” option and allow for an alternate mode of entry (AMOE), making running a charity sweepstakes legal in Canada. I know what you’re thinking: holding a charity sweepstakes for a fundraiser makes no sense. That is not always the case. In most cases, charity sweepstakes successfully raise funds in the same way a charity raffle would. Aside from that, charity sweepstakes are beneficial to organizations as they:
We’ll discuss this more in the next part of this series.
If running an online charity raffle is ideal for your organization, we’ve got your back. At RAVEN5, we specialize in doing the heavy lifting by ensuring your raffle is run legally and smoothly.
If you want to learn more, check out the next part of the series, where we dive deeper into charity sweepstakes in Canada. Or if you’re ready to run a charity sweepstake? We can help. Visit for more information, or feel free to contact us.
Want learn more about Charity Raffles! Check out Raffles In Canada and Planning A Charity Raffle, Eh?
Naa Mensah, Oakville, ON, February 2022
RAVEN5, February 2022