Blogs > Blog Thoughts
March 8, 2011 Michael Bickerton
Most important when driving web traffic to your website either through a blog or via social media posts is having working keywords and key phrases. I’ve written previously about finding and developing your keywords. Your digital agency should have access to a good pay per click (PPC) specialist.
Once you have those keywords and key phrases, the trick is to use those words and phrases in your content, as such, your blog or social media posts, your article submissions.
Here is an example provided by my partner Derek Lackey on his process for generating a blog entry, with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind.
“This morning I received a link to a good article from . I read it and while I agreed with most, I thought it was important to anyone interested in that topic to also think about it in a different way.
I opened a MS Word doc and wrote a blog entry, which I copied and pasted into a new blog page. I linked the original Mashable article and posted it on my site.
If you read both blogs, I merely used the article to make my points of agreement and variance. But someone interested in the original article would get some information and two points of view from reading both blogs. Notice that I used my keyword in the headline, again in the first paragraph with an anchor link to a relevant page on our website. Notice as well, I have links to my bio and at least 2 spots in our website.”
Next step is to go to the back end of our CMS (content management system) and optimize the page using the keywords and phrases in the Metadata. When using social media, you can utilize the same blog post using various Twitter and Facebook headlines with a link to the blog post to drive traffic to the post and to the website. Various social media headlines generate interest to different people.
As your emarketing advisor, we recommend that you link to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook feed to drive traffic to your blog. Different communities have different interest levels depending on the subject. As well everyone has a different set of groups in each social media sphere.
If the subject or topic is of big interest or something we feel might additionally show our credibility in this area, we generate short PowerPoint presentations and post on SlideShare, you can do the same with video and YouTube, all linking back to your website and original blog.
On occasion, you will find someone that likes your blog or posting and they will contact you with a comment, email or phone call to talk about their problem that you originally addressed in the blog. Quite simply, you have generated interest with a specific person, regarding a specific issue. The very reason we blog in the first place.
A couple of short notes, we work our SEO to the words digital agency, emarketing, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Toronto. Note as well, we have internal links to Derek, Enn, myself and one other blog entry. All in an effort to ensure Google knows what our blog and website is all about.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, March 2011
Michael Bickerton, March 2011