Blogs > Best Advice – 5 Experts
November 27, 2013 Michael Bickerton
Silverpop is an email and marketing provider and they publish a great deal of information related to email, social and marketing in general. Silverpop is one of the many sources of information that I follow.
Some great information was provided in a whitepaper “The Best Marketing Advice I Ever Received, and the Best I Ever Gave: 5 Experts Share Their Wisdom.” (FIVE, and now you know why I’m sharing this).
So here they are:
1) Consider Your Audience First, Then Manage Your Brands Place Within. (Scott Monty, Ford Motor Co.)
2) Do Your Own Thing, Then Do It Simply and Really Well. (Andrew Kordek, Trendline Interactive)
3) The Zany Bird Gets the Worm, but it Must Work Hard to Earn it’s Audience. (Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter Out)
4) Get to It Already, but Put the Brakes on the Hard Sell. (Mac McIntosh, Acquire B2B)
5) When It Comes to Your Site, It’s About Usability, Usability, Usability. (Burt DuMars, Newell Rubbermaid)
Gotta love this quote (from Silverpop, and yes they are an email firm first) “Email is the bread in the digital sandwich. It keeps everything together – offline and online.” We don’t subscribe to this logic or message. It’s Bickerton’s opinion at Raven5 that “Email is your primary communication tool today, Email allows you to send your message, to your target on your timeline. No other marketing tool can make this claim.”
As always, we suggest you keep your message simple, ensure you provide value, be clear and concise in your messaging and be consistent. Your customers and prospects start with search and it’s your goal to ensure that they finish with you and your product. Digital marketing is easy if you have a plan, but keep in mind, it’s just as easy to mess up. Even the experts make mistakes.
Oh, if you want to read more you can download the whitepaper here.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, ON November 2013
Michael Bickerton, November 2013