Lead Generation Lessons HubSpot (one of the information sources that I follow carefully) is always putting out new and extremely... ...Read More
Finding new customers is or should be the premier focus of most businesses and business owners. There are a multitude... ...Read More
Customer Retention Tips We see a variety of plans and programs that businesses use to both acquire and retain clients,... ...Read More
If you’re in business and you’re an employee, or want to be an employee, I’m sure you don’t need an... ...Read More
Email or Social Marketing - Why Not Both? There are numerous objectives of marketing. Today, it’s my opinion that email... ...Read More
Silverpop is an email and marketing provider and they publish a great deal of information related to email, social and... ...Read More
Jennifer Jacobson has written a book about Social Media for small business. You can purchase the book here, but before... ...Read More
What is list building? We at Raven5 suggest that email is your primary communication tool today. Digital Marketing has changed... ...Read More
Why Get Your Blog On? Content, blog, blogging, writing, newsletters, social posting, the list goes on and on. Many business... ...Read More
YouTube has really come out of nowhere in relative terms. As compared to the old giants, HP, IBM and GM... ...Read More
I’m fairly active on social, not as active as many, but at the 50 plus age range, I’m fairly certain... ...Read More
Seems like the news and information continue to flow when it comes to Holiday Shopping and the impact of Online... ...Read More
Attention Holiday Shoppers! As the holiday season approaches it’s clear that things are continuing to change. I came across an... ...Read More
Google’s new algorithm is changing how search engine optimization works in a big way. The update from Google affects 90%... ...Read More
It occurred to me today as I checked in at Starbucks on Foursquare that it seems to me that many... ...Read More